What if you knew that you only had five minutes to live and that all of the world was listening to hear your last words, what would you say?
It sometimes appear that many Christians view global witness as an after thought, something to do when everything else is in place such as various projects and programs.
Seeing the World Through God's Eyes
God is looking for healthy cburches. Everyone can have a part in making God's name known and honored in all parts of the earth in many different ways. To what aspect of global missions is God calling you? You see the Great Commission was written to each believer. Let's keep our heart open to whatever God is requiring each of us to do in our Jerusalem, in our Judea, in our Samaria, and in our ends of the earth.
Sometimes churches have a tendency to be inward looking and to focus only on their own needs. God, however I believe is looking, in this hour, for His churches to be more mission-minded to have a passion for world-wide missions. His desire has always been to reach every tribe, tongue, and nations. It is a theme from Genesis to Revelation. God is a missionary God. And, since we are imitators of Him, don't just stand there - Go!
Please go to the Comments section and communicate what Holy Spirit has spoken to your heart.
Don't just stand there- GO!