We are at the halfway mark for the study which is targeted to be completed by the end of the year. The focus for this session is based primarily on Isaiah 42: 1-7; 49: 1-7 Selected passages.
Our focus in this study is on the first of the four servant songs in the book of Isaiah. Open your heart to what Holy Spirit is saying and please use the Comments Section to share.
Seeing the world thru God's Eyes
We are encouraged that if we want to know what God is doing (and we do); read the newspapers or online news. God's hand is present as He is still in control of major events in this world. We are also challenged to pray with the Bible in one hand and the newspaper and/or online news in the other or in sight. Please make a special effort to select one "hot spot" and pray a "kingdom prayer" each day of this week or until you complete your Comment section.
As I studied this piece, I was reminded of a song I sang as a child and then later as an adult that has the same title. The revelation of the lyrics finally struck home in that where ever I am when I live my life according to God’s precepts that I am letting my light shine. And, because He lives in me His light shines in those apparent dark places and situations. Why? So, that every tribe, nation, and tongue will know who Jesus is. Whether it’s through my preaching his Word (and I do ), teaching his Word (and I do), mentoring , writing, praying with or for people, God’s light is breaking forth in that moment to accomplish his purposes and plans for all of creation. And, what an awesome responsibility we all have as believers and followers of the true and living God to be His lights – a reflection of His glory - for He is the Father of Lights!