Tuesday, December 22, 2009

You've Been Appointed Ambassador to the World!

Scriptures for study number 8 is 2 Corinthians 5: 1 - 6:10

What are the implications for being an Ambassador for Christ in the 21st century? Take time and reflect on who God used to be Christ's ambassador to you?

Seeing the World through God's Eyes
As we approach, the end of this entire Bible study we have a very strong picture for God's heart of the world. God is requiring the church to explore ways to be a mission mobilizer in your specific area.

Our prayer is that God will raise up a host of people to be his ambassadors. Are you ready for the task?

I welcome your Comments below. Study #9 is our last session.

Don't Just Stand There - Go!

The scripture for this study is Acts 1: 1-11

What if you knew that you only had five minutes to live and that all of the world was listening to hear your last words, what would you say?
It sometimes appear that many Christians view global witness as an after thought, something to do when everything else is in place such as various projects and programs.

Seeing the World Through God's Eyes

God is looking for healthy cburches. Everyone can have a part in making God's name known and honored in all parts of the earth in many different ways. To what aspect of global missions is God calling you? You see the Great Commission was written to each believer. Let's keep our heart open to whatever God is requiring each of us to do in our Jerusalem, in our Judea, in our Samaria, and in our ends of the earth.

Sometimes churches have a tendency to be inward looking and to focus only on their own needs. God, however I believe is looking, in this hour, for His churches to be more mission-minded to have a passion for world-wide missions. His desire has always been to reach every tribe, tongue, and nations. It is a theme from Genesis to Revelation. God is a missionary God. And, since we are imitators of Him, don't just stand there - Go!

Please go to the Comments section and communicate what Holy Spirit has spoken to your heart.

Friday, December 11, 2009

So Many Needs - Where Lord?

My prayer for International Missions in any church of Jesus Christ is to be who God called you to be and to go where he calls you to go. That is to complete the unfinished task of making Jesus Christ known to every tribe, tongue and nation! Find out what God is doing and plug into it. It's that simple and since it's God's mission, He will do the rest! He is looking for Carriers . . .enjoy this video clip and song as it expresses part of the heart of God for the nations.

Oh what an incredible awesome thing to know that the Father in heaven knows each one of us by name. Even the unreached and unengaged people groups of this world. What an awesome God( the true and living God) we serve! This is another one of my favorite songs. . .And, look at our brothers and sisters in other lands -... let us remember them in our prayers and in our giving. . .

Here is what God is doing in Haiti . . .watch this oh my God!

Here is a video clip in the Ivory Coast.  The husband of one of VCWC's member is from there.   This is not his video clip, but this is shown to denote the lack.  He states that there are many unmet needs especially for church structures and all that goes into them.  He is working with church leaders to establish a faith community with  integrity.  He is doing what I have been learning from the various presentations from the network meetings I attend monthly.

Monday, November 30, 2009

If You Have Great News, Tell the World!

Study number 6 is based on Matthew 28:5-10; 16-20. Our focus is still on missions and our role as believers in Christ on when and how we are spreading the Good News of Salvation. And, are we also making disciples as we spread the Good News of Salvation?

Seeing the World through God’s Eyes

Our challenge is to reflect on missionaries that we know that are working cross-culturally. How many are African Americans? And, whatever ethnicity they are, what do you think is the primary emphasis of their outreach? Our prayer is that God would touch the hearts of more African Americans to go and make disciples abroad. And, that God would empower all missionaries efforts. That we would be carriers of his message of his love thru salvation through Jesus Christ.

How is Holy Spirit speaking to you about this study? Please provide your comments below.  Also, please engage in worship with the following song as we seek to glean the heart of God for the Nations:

Friday, November 27, 2009

This Little Light of Mine

We are at the halfway mark for the study which is targeted to be completed by the end of the year. The focus for this session is based primarily on Isaiah 42: 1-7; 49: 1-7 Selected passages.

Our focus in this study is on the first of the four servant songs in the book of Isaiah.  Open your heart to what Holy Spirit is saying and please use the Comments Section to share.

Seeing the world thru God's Eyes
We are encouraged that if we want to know what God is doing (and we do); read the newspapers or online news. God's hand is present as He is still in control of major events in this world. We are also challenged to pray with the Bible in one hand and the newspaper and/or online news in the other or in sight.  Please make a special effort to select one "hot spot" and pray a "kingdom prayer" each day of this week or until you complete your Comment section.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Blessings Aren't for Hoarding!

The base scripture for this study is Psalm 67. It reflects a song for people who long for God's blessing.

Seeing the World thru God's Eyes
Our challenge is to reflect on how we are using God's blessings(tangible and intangible) to be a blessing to others here and abroad. And, then to take the next step of whatever it is for you individually.

A Thousand Questions

What Is The Ultimate Goal of Missions? What does it look like? What is your role?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Everyone's Invited to this Party!

The primary scripture for study three  is 1 Chronicles 16: 1- 36.

Join us as we reflect on what the world will be like after the Judge comes to eliminate all sin, sorrow, and pain.

Seeing the world through God's Eyes
What is Holy Spirit saying to you about the following definition of missions?

 Excerpts from John Piper's book, Let the Nations Be Glad:

"Missions is not the ultimate goal of the church. Worship is.  Missions exist because worship doesn't . . . when this age is over, and the countless millions of the redeemed fall on their faces before the the throne of God, missions will be no more.  It is a temporary necessity.  But worship abides forever.

Worship, therefore is the fuel and goal in missions.  It's the goal of missions because in missions, we simply aim to bring the nations into the white-hot enjoyment of God 's glory.  The goal of missions is the gladness of the peoples in the greatness of God." (Baker Books 1993, p.11)
See the clip by John Piper

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Global MissionFest 2009 at Wheaton Bible Church, West Chicago, IL

The International Missions Team was lead of the Lord to attend this Global MissionFest primarily to glean how they executed this missional event as well as to speak with the various missionaries on the field in the USA and abroad. We also wanted to hear how God is working in their lives and what He is doing in the regions and areas they serve. We were informed that this church, which is about 80 years old, supports about 97 missionaries. Nineteen  from 12 countries were present. Of the 97 total missionaries, half have come directly from their congregation. They are considered a “sending church”. They not only send and support missionaries, but have short-term missions teams (called Go-Teams). In regards to how they presented the Global MissionFest, they informed us that over the years they have learned to plug into existing activities rather than to have special services. The reason being was that attendance would drop with the latter.

We attended Tuesday and Wednesday nights activities, respectively. Ericka and I attended Tuesday night activities which was their women’s Bible study. There was a meal for $3 and great fellowship with the women at our table. They were very welcoming. To accommodate the missionaries, they deviated slightly from their existing format. There were 11 women missionaries highlighted and of the 11, three were interviewed by a moderator. Each shared how God called them right where they were in their careers to use that for mission work- many serve in supporting roles both in the USA and abroad. Those roles include photography, business such as mutual funds industry, IT, and administration. These specific ministries were highlighted. And, a question which surfaced during the interviews was to ask God the following. How do you (Lord) want what I have experienced in my life used in your mission?

The three missionaries highlighted covered how God used their professional backgrounds to spread the gospel in places such as Ecuador now serving stateside in CO, Kenya, and France. The first missionary interviewed revealed how God was using satellite Christian radio to broadcast the gospel. She reported that a recent survey indicated that roughly 1 million people were hearing the messages in Arabic countries! She also stated that they were being heard 60% in Asia, and in other countries such as India, Bangladesh, Turkey and Indonesia (she requested special prayer for that country as it is becoming more militant and the door may be closing).

The second missionary has served in Kenya now for 18 months and is a Psychologist. She stated that she serves in several capacities with a focus on the HIV/AID ministry and dealing with the stigma associated with persons being tested. Her prayer request was that HIV treatment would not stop. She conveyed that there were some 65,000 orphans and that many were living in the garbage dumps with all that that environment entails. She concluded by saying that Kenya was the largest refugee camp in the world and to pray for the Muslim women. They each spoke of the highs and lows of being in full-time missions. They all said to “find out what God is doing and to begin doing your part! (this is of course within the context of global missions).

The last interview was from a missionary based in France. This church is embarking upon a new church-wide initiative called The Move Initiative. They are partnering with Greater Europe Mission to reach out to North African immigrants. They are challenging their members to consider relocating to France for an initial three year commitment beginning in January 2011.Their prayer is “that God will move in their hearts, calling some to move to France and the rest of them to send and support them.” Ericka and I spoke with several missionaries and took  photos with the only African American one there from Missions Adventures. We also met the Director over the women’s ministry who showed us their Global Outreach Center. I will talk about the center further down in the report.

On Wednesday night, Susan and I attended. We went to hear a panel discussion where 6 missionaries discussed their backgrounds, their lives prior to missions, where they serve, and the highs and lows of missions. We met the Missions Pastor, who indicated his support as well as others who offered their support. Shannon, who I had been speaking to about the Perspective course was there and indicated briefly the process for payment which she had emailed to me that afternoon. We then went to their prayer tower and prayed along side of others interceding for the salvation of Muslims and the missionaries assigned to those regions where they reside as well as in our local communities. What an experience!  We also visited the Global Outreach Center where every Sunday, the children ministry’s goes into this room and they are taught about people in other countries. Their teaching is country theme driven. Susan and I took pictures there as well as with two missionaries.  Photos are spread throughout the article above and two below.                                   

Note:  Don and grandson, Amiri dropped by briefly on Thursday evening.  They met one of the missionaries from Germany.  They spoke briefly.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Nations Are Watching

The primary verses for Study 2 are Exodus 19:1-6; Deuteronomy 4:1-9; and 1 Peter 2:9. It is descriptive of God's intentions for the role Israel would have in the world and how we would be responsible for that same role today. Also, take some time to explore the various characteristics on eagles and how symbolic they are to God in relation to us.

I encourage you to comment on any of the scriptures and in particular the section, Seeing the World through God's Eyes. What did Holy Spirit reveal to you?

Our prayer is that Holy Spirit will reveal how we can be involved in world evangelism through our prayer life individually and corporately. That He would give us a prayer strategy that everyone could participate in for the nations so that we can become more world missions - minded. That we would use and build upon the tools that he has already provided thru the Operations World link, the 21 days of prayer and the daily Unreached People of the Day which rotates daily in Jesus name.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Moody Institute Missions Conference - October 13-16, 2009

Several of us attended the opening night of the Missions Conference. It was a wonderful experience to see the "Flag of Nations" processional with the people from each country represented carrying their country's flag. There were 42 nations represented. Praise and Worship were also God inspiring as we sung songs reflective of God's Heart for Nations! The one song that really touched my heart was People Need The Lord!

The opening speaker was Dr. Jerry Root, an Assistant Professor of Evangelism and Leadership, and the Director of the Evangelism Initiative at Wheaton College, as well as Associate Director of the Billy Graham Center's Institute of Strategic Evangelism. He has been teaching at Wheaton College since 1996. Pastoring three different churches over a span of 23 years, he has worked for 19 years in student ministry and for four as senior pastor. His preaching and lecturing have taken him to 14 countries and 19 states in the US.

His message was "Make Missions Personal" from Philemon 6. The overall gist of the message was for each of us to be confident in the love of God to be his witness and to let that love flow out of us. And, the place to start is right where we live and move and have our being.

There were several agencies with exhibits denoting various opportunities to go on the international as well as domestic missions field.  We spoke to several of them about their experiences.  Note:  Other members of the IM Team are planning to attend either during the day or during the evening session for the balance of the conference.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Let's Start At The Very Beginning

The main scriptures for this study are Genesis 11: 1-9 12:1-9; Galatians 3: 28-29.  I invite you to comment on any of the scriptures and in particular the section, Seeing the World through God's Eyes.  What did  Holy Spirit reveal to you?  Is there anything He requires of you? 

Our prayer is that God will give each of us new openness and willingness to be available to him. That he would give each of us the kind of courage Abram(now Abraham) had which enabled him to obey God wholeheartedly, so that nations can be blessed through each of us in Jesus name. 

Saturday, August 15, 2009

African American Missions Strategy

This video is of Rev. Glenn Mason, Executive Director of Carver International Missions. Rev. Mason was a plenary speaker at the African American Missions Strategy Seminar at Columbia International University. To view in larger format and to email the link, click on the "Google Video" button in the bottom right corner of the video box.